Student OBIE Awards

The 2025 Student OBIE Awards encourage college students to develop and submit artwork for any OOH format and advertiser of their choosing.


The oldest and most prestigious honor for creative excellence in out of home (OOH) advertising is the OBIE Awards. OBIE – short for obelisk – refers to the ancient stone pillars that served as the foundation of modern advertising. For the last 82 years, the OBIEs have awarded the most innovative activations in our industry, from spectacular digital screens to inventive transit takeovers, eye-popping billboard campaigns to state-of-the-art augmented reality. The OBIEs celebrate the best in the industry and honor their creativity, innovation, and simplicity.

Through this inaugural student competition, we aim to find the top creative thinkers and groundbreaking innovators of the next generation of out of home designers and celebrate the future of our industry.


Mendi Robinson

VP of Creative, Lamar

Chad Shackelford

VP, Head of Digital Creative, OUTFRONT XLabs

Mike Sukle

Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Sukle Advertising & Design

Whitney Yando

Creative Director, 72andSunny