ACES & Toxic Stress Public Awareness Campaign

Civilian entrusted PJX Media with the out of home (OOH) component of the Live Beyond campaign, a multimedia initiative by the Office of the California Surgeon General (OSG) designed to raise awareness about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. The campaign’s goals were to increase understanding of ACEs, support prevention and healing strategies, and foster resilience in individuals. The campaign targeted youth & young adults, impacted communities, and parents & caregivers across California, with all media channels directing traffic to the website.

Given the campaign’s tight timeline, OOH formats were strategically selected to effectively reach each audience segment and ensure high frequency across the state. The OOH strategy included cinema ads, high school and college campus placements, posters in convenience stores, and point-of-care digital screens for parents and caregivers. Spanish-language ads were also incorporated in areas with a high concentration of Spanish-speaking populations.