Slide Show: ‘The Grinch’ OOH Campaign Goes Viral

The OOH campaign for the new The Grinch film is getting a lot of attention. On social media, some are calling it “hilarious,” “true,” and downright “savage.”

From Los Angeles to New York, billboards and other OOH ads are exactly what you would expect from the grumpy Grinch. The contextual ads target citizens and tourists alike, crushing dreams and spewing sarcasm.

In Los Angeles, the ads are “real,” according to locals. On the billboards, the Grinch reminds drivers about gridlocked LA traffic, encourages tourists to go home, and mocks aspiring actors.

Social media influencer Patrick Dougal tweeted photos of billboards in Los Angeles to his +12,600 followers: “Major props to the marketing team behind The Grinch… these LA specific billboards are SAVAGE!!!” His tweet has been liked by more than 10,000 users.

In New York, the Grinch claims rude New Yorkers as his “kinda people,” he teases tourists in Times Square and wishes those in line for Broadway tickets good luck on securing seats for Hamilton.

It’s not only audiences who are enjoying The Grinch‘s billboards. The film’s star Benedict Cumberbatch, who voices the Grinch, told Entertainment Weekly he is a big fan of the OOH ads himself.

Cumberbatch thinks the billboards are a “stroke of genius” for getting adults into theaters.

“The billboards are a very adult way into enjoying what The Grinch is about,” he said. “I get a real vicarious thrill out of knowing my green alter ego is looming over everyone in traffic being rude. That really makes me very happy.”

The Grinch is in theaters now.