Annual Report

2018 Annual Report: Get Big, Get Bold, Get Out of Home

OAAA Members, Colleagues, and Friends:

With broad industry support, OAAA’s 2018 promotional campaign displayed the wisdom of ad legend Stan Richards (peer to Disney, Rockwell, and Warhol in the Art Directors’ Hall of Fame):

Out of home worked then.
Works now.
And will work forever.

Quoting Stan Richards and other media influencers, OAAA issued a can’t-miss-it call to action: Get Out of Home.

This 2018 Annual Report explains how the marketplace Gets Out of Home. Amidst seismic changes in media, OOH continues to grow, and 2018 fourth-quarter gains look to be impressive.

Independent, third-party experts are describing this phenomenon as an OOH “renaissance,” as our medium complements and amplifies digital advertising.

As we adapt to change, we also value principles that stay the same:

  • We collaborate, to improve the buying experience, to promote best practices, to set standards, and to meet
  • We know the power of unity.
  • We help each other. When Stott Outdoor employees lost homes to wildfire, help came from every corner of the industry.

I started my first job in OOH 40 years ago. As I write this letter – commending the OAAA 2018 Annual Report to your attention – I am more excited than ever about our prospects for tomorrow… as we make sure the rest of the world Gets Out of Home.

With gratitude,

Nancy Fletcher
President & CEO, OAAA

Read the OAAA 2018 Annual Report