We’re only one month into 2016, but plans for this year are moving full steam ahead as the outlook for OOH shines brightly.
Experts say 2016 will be the first year of full recovery from the Great Recession. To ensure OAAA members are well prepared and armed with the necessary tools and insights to navigate this pivotal year, OAAA and its partners have designed a calendar packed with important events and resources.
Digital Billboard Litigation Ruling
Any day now, a federal appeals court will rule on Scenic America’s lawsuit attacking digital billboards. A three-judge appellate panel heard arguments on September 25, 2015.
OAAA has represented the industry in this multi-year litigation, arguing that the federal government was within its authority to issue Guidance to the states in 2007 allowing digital billboards.
OAAA Webinars
OAAA’s webinar series launched with the highly-rated OOH Trends in 2016 webinar on January 20. A webinar on the Economic Importance of Billboards is scheduled February 3. A webinar on Paid Social Media and Content is scheduled February 10, with additional relevant webinars offered each month in 2016. If your schedule conflicts with a live webinar, you can always find it archived on the OAAA website.
Annual Industry Gathering
The OOH industry will once again gather for its annual conference, the TAB/OAAA OOH Media Conference & Expo, on April 18-20 in Boca Raton, FL. The conference theme is “The BIG Picture,” focused on where OOH fits into the “the big picture” of media planning. Understanding this increasingly complex big picture – and putting it to work — involves moving beyond a focus on OOH in isolation to look at the vital role OOH plays in the overall advertising landscape.
74th OBIE Awards
OAAA will present the OBIE Awards during the conference. Each year, OAAA honors the best in OOH creativity and design. I’ve had a sneak peek at the record-breaking entries, and the submissions are exciting. While we continue to see interactive OOH capabilities engaging consumers in the field, our OOH creative guru’s haven’t forgotten the power of an image with a clear message. Be sure to study this year’s winners, each offering inspiration for exceptional OOH work.
Feel the Real Finale
At the conference, Matt Dowshen of PNYC will release results of OAAA’s compelling Feel the Real campaign. This edgy, Millennial-facing OOH campaign targeted ad agency media planners, demonstrating that nothing drives digital engagement like OOH. A full case study will be presented and released along with a video.
Enhanced Audience Measurement
TAB is rebranding to “change the media industry’s perception of TAB from an old-school billboard ratings bureau to a dynamically different, data science leader in OOH media measurement, insights, and innovation.” This rebrand will come with a new name and identity.
In doing so, TAB has announced an initiative, called Operation M.O.R.E., to enhance OOH audience measurement. TAB plans to have preliminary test data ready for the TAB/OAAA conference.
OAAA Focus on Creativity
In addition to the OBIE Awards, there will be a focus on creativity this year through the implementation of several key initiatives. To complement OAAA’s agency roadshow program, a new creative roadshow will be launched targeting ad agency creative departments. And, OAAA’s popular online OOH Creative Testing Tool will be enhanced with more than 30 new formats added and four new scenes including a mall, airport, subway station, and rural road.
OAAA Safety Seminar
OAAA will host a Safety Seminar in September. Operations personnel will hear from safety experts about the latest laws, regulations, and practices concerning safety in the workplace as it relates to the OOH industry. This is indispensable information to keep our construction and maintenance employees safe.
OAAA Legal Seminar
OAAA will sponsor a Legal Seminar on November 3 in Las Vegas. Featuring top legal practitioners, this biennial event presents the latest industry legal developments and qualifies for CLE credit (Continuing Legal Education).
Post-Election Member of Congress Campaign
After the November 8 election, OAAA will coordinate an industry-wide public service campaign to recognize winning candidates for Congress.
OAAA’s OOH Media Plan Awards at OOH Day
Industry events will wrap up with the Ad Club of New York’s annual OOH Day, scheduled November 29. This conference features OOH industry developments and innovations. The OAAA’s OOH Media Plan Awards will be presented, recognizing effective media plans using multiple OOH formats and creative strategies.
As you prepare for the months ahead, be sure to save important dates in your calendar and stay informed about industry news and trends. The OAAA Outlook newsletter is the industry’s go-to publication for staying in-the-know, so please contact us if you have colleagues who should be added to the distribution list.
Also, be sure to follow me and OAAA on LinkedIn and Twitter – where we share industry trends and exceptional OOH campaigns. I feel a special responsibility to share only the most relevant daily information with my 6,625 LinkedIn connections and 2,050 Twitter followers.
I look forward to seeing you throughout the year. I wish you the best of luck in 2016, and, as always, should you have questions or comments, please contact me at [email protected] or call (202) 833-5566.
Download the PDFPublished: February 1, 2016