Thought Leadership

OAAA Independent Media Companies Advisory Group Q1 Update

By Diana Stevenson

CEO, Grace Outdoor; Chair, OAAA Independent Media Co. Advisory Group

Last year, OAAA expanded the Independent Advisory Group, and I was honored to help lead their efforts. I, an independent billboard operator myself, know how important it is for all of the independents in our industry to have a voice and stay informed! We are meeting on a quarterly basis, and I plan on sharing updates from these meetings through the OAAA newsletter in order to keep our vital Independent members informed and engaged.

Our first three meetings were very productive, and all of the members valued being able to share the particular issues and challenges we face in our daily operations. What we quickly found was that the common concern for all of us is the growing importance of DOOH. We are devoting much of our time and energy into answering the question of how to fully leverage these critical assets.

I’m delighted to share that the independent program itinerary at this year’s OOH Media Conference will feature DOOH as a primary topic. We’ll be able to gain helpful insights from industry experts focusing on DOOH sales, programmatic, and automation. The Independent itinerary will also feature an interactive Town Hall moderated by Billboard Insider’s Dave Westburg focusing on the most important issues facing our media companies. OAAA 2024 will again provide webinar programming to support our Independent operators. This Spring, Borrell Associates will conduct their annual Local Ad Sales survey and we’ll have them share the results via webinar early this summer. This information will be useful for us in each of our markets! 

Along with our entire Advisory Group, I’m looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Conference, sharing the exciting programming we’ve created, and learning from you about how else we can serve our Independent colleagues. If you have an immediate need, please reach out to the group. We would love to hear from you.