New Release: Digital Out of Home Integration into OpenRTB

by Jeff Jan, Head of Industry Initiatives | OAAA

In the latest collaboration between Outsmart, IAB Tech Lab and OAAA, the three trade associations have published a detailed document and technical resources that support standardized Real Time Bidding (RTB) in Digital Out of Home (DOOH). The recent release provides common implementations of IAB Tech Lab’s OpenRTB methodology, allowing out of home to be properly described, and traded alongside established digital media channels.

“This is an important cross-industry release that has been in the works for almost two years,” said Leslie Lee, SVP Marketing, Vistar Media and OAAA’s OpenRTB Committee Co-Chair. “These specs provide transparency and standards for programmatic integrations across demand and supply-side platforms, and give digital out-of-home media owners a target to build their networks toward.” 

Key DSP, SSP and media owner organizations who contributed to this work include Broadsign, Centro, Clear Channel, Global, Hivestack, JCDecaux, Lamar, Ocean Outdoor, Place Exchange, TheTradeDesk, Triton, Vistar Media, VIOOH and Yahoo.

“From venue taxonomy to OpenRTB standardizations in DOOH, we are continuing to make the necessary strides that define and unify publishers, platforms and buyers within the out of home industry,” said Ian Dallimore, VP Digital Growth & GM of Programmatic, Lamar Advertising Company and OAAA’s OpenRTB Committee Co-Chair.

For more information, technical details, and best practices, please refer to the implementation notes in the OpenRTB 2.x GitHub repository.