Last week’s Sales Tip focused on local advertisers’ sentiment, so this week’s follow up is Borrell’s Local Advertising Agency Survey, which was also fielded from April – June 2021.
The key takeaways from Borrell’s Local Agency Survey include:
- In choosing a media company, agencies place highest value on one that presents a well-supported and transparent marketing plan
- Nearly two-thirds see local media companies as partners, not competitors
- 88% offer at least one type of digital marketing service to clients
- 74% offer social media management as a service for clients
- When it comes to marketing expertise and digital savvy, agencies have higher opinions of TV companies than they do of other local media
- Most agencies that buy TV also buy advanced TV features such as OTT; 1 in 10 buys only traditional spots
The profile of Borrell Associates’ 701 respondents included:
- Agency type:
- 35% full-service ad agency
- 24% advertising/marketing firm or agency
- 15% media buying company
- 8% media/publishing company
- 7% marketing services company
- 11% other
- 74% “master marketers” (10,000+ hours of marketing/advertising experience)
- Agency size ranges:
- 38% = 5 to 24 employees
- 32% = less than 5 employees
- 30% = 25 or more employees
- Average number of clients = 35
- Average annual value of client bookings = $2 million
- Length of time in business
- 46% = over 20 years
- 42% = 6 to 20 years
- Geographic region:
- South = 34%
- West = 28%
- Midwest 21%
- Northeast 14%
According to MAGNA, digital media comprises the vast majority of overall ad spend (69%), with mobile accounting for 80 percent and social media comprising 31 percent of the digital media total.
Past OAAA Nielsen research has shown OOH is the most efficient channel at driving online search, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter activation. OOH’s ability to drive engagement and deliver as an impressions multiplier through social media is a strong value proposition. Therefore, it’s important to understand how agencies view various social media platforms and the Borrell survey reported the findings shown in the chart below.
- Facebook continues to be the most popular platform with 58% of agencies rating it very or extremely effective
- YouTube and Instagram remain solid choices, while Twitter is ebbing in usage among agencies and TikTok is rising