Make Your Case with OOH Advertiser Case Studies

The effectiveness of media investments is more important to advertisers than ever before. Almost every decision-maker appreciates measurable data, and case studies are a direct way to show measurable value of marketing efforts. Many local advertisers are particularly interested in testimonials or success stories of other local advertisers. Case studies can be a valuable asset in converting a prospect to a client or shifting a current client to a higher level of OOH investment.

Case studies can often be more effective than brochures and traditional sales collateral. Why? Because everyone loves stories. The wisdom of the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” also applies in sales conversation and marketing. Shared stories paint pictures, evoke emotions, and give presentations staying power.

Case studies allow the presenter to tell stories about different advertisers, and people connect with stories. There’s no better method of storytelling in business than using a customer’s voice in a data-backed case study.

The Millennial generation considers user-generated content (UGC) 20 percent more influential than traditional ad conent, 35 percent more memorable, and 50 percent more trustworthy, according to research by Crowdtap. And while case studies aren’t completely made up of UGC, they do contain results and opinions straight from the source.

A case study is a clear narrative that progresses from problem to strategy to solution, illustrating the precise manner a business relationship will pay off for companies. A CMO Council survey found something interesting about B2B content – it gets passed around a lot. Almost all (94 percent) of B2B decision-makers circulated B2B content across organizational tiers and to multiple stakeholders.

The OAAA website contains over 350 advertiser case studies demonstrating OOH effectiveness in 16 product categories including:

  • Amusement & Entertainment
  • Apparel
  • Automotive
  • Beverage
  • Business & Technology
  • Consumer Goods & Services
  • Financial
  • Food Products
  • Healthcare
  • Media
  • Political Advertising
  • Public Service
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Telecommunications
  • Travel & Tourism

Most of the case studies are generated through OAAA’s OOH Media Plan of the Year Awards, so they tend to include mostly large national or regional advertisers. However, there is a section of over 100 studies dedicated entirely to local advertisers across an array of categories.

Explore the OAAA case studies library, because you might find a study containing the right information to generate buy-in from a prospect or increase OOH share with an existing advertiser.

2018 OOH Media Plan Awards

Help OAAA continue to enhance its media plan library. Entries are now being accepted for the 2018 OOH Media Plan Awards. The awards program honors effective OOH media plans that maximize the synergies between media and creative strategies within an available budget.

The Awards will be presented in conjunction with The Advertising Club of New York’s annual OOH: NOW event in New York City, to be held this year on December 5.