2018 OAAA Communications Report

In 2018, OAAA used multiple communication platforms to ensure the press, advertising community, and general public get out of home.

To reflect the expanded role and scope of the association in representing the entire OOH industry, the OAAA Board of Directors approved a name change of the association to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America. The OAAA acronym and branding will remain the same.

Communicating Externally

Throughout the year, OAAA monitored more than 4,400 industry news stories; made more than 2,500 connections with national, international, and trade press on behalf of the industry; issued 36 press releases; and assisted member companies in responses to the press with strategic talking points and media interviews.

I love your LinkedIn feed. I look at it daily. It’s particularly pleasurable given the abundance of terrific news coming our way each and every day. We’re hip now. It’s extremely gratifying to see our industry get recognized with such momentum, and your daily posts help remind me of what we’re doing right.
Rick Robinson, Billups

OAAA ensured the industry received significant positive buzz, locally and nationally, proactively promoting stories focused on the medium’s healthy growth, the power of technology and data to drive OOH’s success, annual industry awards and accolades, research to demonstrate OOH’s impact on media play optimization, and OOH’s role in the future of smart cities.

OAAA promoted industry growth, creative, technology, achievements, and partnerships. It created and shared content to inform the world via mainstream press, social media, trade press, and news platforms including AdWeek360, Billboard Insider, Digital Signage Pulse, OOH Today, and The Drum.

During the 2018 movie-awards season, OAAA managed an industry effort to spotlight and congratulate the film “Three Bill­boards Outside Ebbing, Missouri,” which swept the Golden Globe Awards and won two Oscars. The industry promotional effort was covered in news outlets including the Asheville Citizen Times, The News & Observer, and Politico.

The communications team lent vital support to the Get Out of Home industry promotional campaign, providing social media strategy and press outreach. With a reach of more than 2.3 million, earned media included spotlights in Ad Age, Billboard Insider, DailyDOOH, MarTechSeries, Media Post Agency Daily, and The Drum. #GetOutofHome earned more than 1.1 million social media impressions. Following launch of the campaign during Advertisement Week New York, OAAA produced a highlight video.

Communicating Internally

Members continue to receive communications about OAAA, upcoming events, available tools, and industry trends via OAAA’s weekly Outlook newsletter. Weekly, sales professionals receive a Sales Tip e-mail providing the latest news and numbers to help sell to specific industries and markets.

Industry leaders contributed 47 posts to the OAAA Thought Leadership blog, each offering insights or predictions about where OOH is heading. OAAA leaders published 69 posts to the Special Reports blog, a platform used to share association news and reports. The blogs together earned more than 52,000 views.

OAAA continued to execute its strategic social media practices in 2018, connecting with members, media, and the general public via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. More than 3,321 people have “liked” OAAA’s Facebook page, where they follow industry and association news and trends. More than 5,115 people follow Nancy Fletcher on Twitter, and 5,370 follow OAAA. Fletcher’s tweets are also pushed to her more than 11,724 LinkedIn contacts. The OAAA LinkedIn group now has 1,837 members.

In 2018, OAAA began producing in-house videos to support industry initiatives and share socially via YouTube. Six original videos received more than 1,600 views.

Read the OAAA 2018 Annual Report